Polish Złoty (zł, PLN) is offical currency in Poland. One złoty is subdivided into 100 groszy (1 zł=100 gr).
Currency can be exchanged in exchange offices (in PLN: kantor) and banks. Exchange rate differs between exchange offices.
Wide range of bank services is available in Poland. If you’ll be staying in Poland for a longer period of time, you should consider opening a bank account in one of banks. You should be aware that individual banks may have different requirements regarding the documents to be submitted. In general, you may be asked to provide a valid passport or identity card and a Residence card or temporary residence card. Students can also be asked for a student ID.
Cards such as Visa and MasterCard are widely accepted in shops, hotels, restaurants or petrol stations.
ATMs are very common in Poland and can be easily found in the city and shopping malls.
Bank transfers are popular method of paying bills and online purchases.
Cheque transactions are almost non-existent.