Average prices of everyday products:
- bread: 5-8 zł
- liter of milk: 4-5 zł
- butter: 7-9 zł
- eggs (10 eggs): 10-12 zł
- water 1.5l: 2,50-3 zł
- kilogram of potatoes: 2-5 zł
- kilogram of tomatoes: 12-20 zł
- a liter of orange juice: 6-8 zł
- kilogram of white sugar: 4-6 zł
- chicken breast 1 kg: 0-30 zł
- Lunch in a bistro: 30 zł
- Lunch in a restaurant: 50 zł
- Tea: 8-15 zł
- Coffee: 15-20 zł
Health and beauty:
- Men’s hairdresser: 45-60 zł
- Ladies’ hairdresser: 80-150 zł
- Massage: 180-250 zł
- Single entry to fitness/exercise room: 30-40 zł
- Monthly book of tickets for fitness/exercise room: 120-180 zł
- Bus/train ticket: ca. 5 zł
- SKM (local train) ticket: 5-12 zł (depending on the distance)