Registration of stay of EU citizens

EU, EFTA and OECD citizens are obliged to register their stay in Poland (if the stay will be longer than 90 days) within 3 months from the date of arrival in Poland.

Where you can register your residence?
Pomeranian Voivodeship Office in Gdańsk street Okopowa 21/27, Gdańsk room. 93 (entrance from Rzeźnicka Street)


Required documents:

  • 1 copy of the application form completed in Polish
  • valid travel document or other proof of identity and citizenship,
  • 4 biometric photographs
  • document confirming possession of health insurance (e. g. EHIC card or insurance policy)
  • proof of having sufficient financial support
  • confirmation of studies at the University of Gdańsk or employment agreement with the University of Gdańsk


University of Gdańsk Welcome Center

ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 8
80-309 Gdańsk


+48 58 523 30 00

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